London - 0208 0641551
Bath & Bristol - 01225 962004
Kate Bull

Kate worked at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery for fifteen years where she was Clinical Specialist. She previously worked at The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability in Putney and The Royal London Hospital where she gained therapy skills in broad areas of expertise.
Kate has a specialist interest in Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) and complex neuro-orthotics for walking and arm and hand rehabilitation. She has extensive knowledge in the treatment of dizziness and reduced balance and was a committee member of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Vestibular Rehabilitation for 8 years.
Kate is a certified Pilates instructor and is the UK course instructor for APPI Neuro Pilates and runs a weekly Neuro-Pilates class for the charity LEGS in Wandsworth. She has advanced level Bobath training and studied PD Warrior for Parkinsons. She was a professional contributor for Bridges, a self management programme for people with neuromuscular conditions. She is a volunteer facilitator of the Wimbledon Headway support group.